
Unified database giving full control over data (create reports and BI drawing data from across departments, full integration, no redundancy, all relevant data in one database)

Safety Management

Web based application creates, stores and communicates procedures, policies and circulars throughout the organization. Safety Management ensures updated communication and status on all operational procedures between ship and shore and has a robust database for quick search, audits and change management.


Web-based form creation and data-gathering engine that helps shipping organizations streamline their business processes. Users can create their own form and publish them without the need for writing code. Through the use of electronic forms, data can be gathered, tracked and re-used throughout the organization.

Risk management

This module provides quantitative risk management for maritime operations by enabling users to identify and manage risk by analysing, monitoring and mitigating risks. Do root cause analysis, what if-scenarios and analyse data to sport trends. Seamless and cost-effective dataflow between ship and shore creates full visibility and awareness of risk.

Vessel Inspection & Audit Management

Web-based repository of inspection and audit data.

The Inspection and Audit Management module helps manage audit and inspection data onto an integrated platform for efficient analysis and provides a unified platform from where ship managers can effectively manage the non-conformities and associated actions from inspections and audit.

The solution enables visibility and helps build a ‘Continuous Improvements’ culture in the organization.

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