Code of conduct

Establishes a common and consistent set of rules for how we behave and do business across our global organization. High business ethics and personal integrity is the cornerstone of our credibility and reputation as a company


NEG complies with applicable laws and regulations in the businesses and countries where we operate. In particular with regard to :

Fair Competition

We respect the principles and rules of fair competition prohibiting anticompetitive behaviors and the abuse of a dominant market position.

Bribery and Corruption

We will not utilize bribery and corruption in conducting our business. We will not offer or provide, either directly or indirectly, any undue pecuniary or other advantage for the purpose of obtaining, retaining, directing or securing any improper business advantage

Gifts and Donations

We are prohibited from offering, soliciting or accepting gifts and donations related to our business. However, entertainment and gifts of insignificant monetary value arising out of ordinary corporate hospitality are acceptable. Donations for political or social purposes are permitted only within the limits of local laws and in complete transparency.

Use and Protection of Assets and Information

Each of us entrusted with property belonging to or controlled by NEG is responsible for the careful use, protection, expenditure and administration of such assets. We use and protect confidential proprietary information, except to the extent we are required to disclose such information in the proper course of our duties. We pay particular attention to IT aspects such as data protection and data security.

Conflict of Interest

In situations in which our personal or financial interests may conflict materially with those of NEG, we are expected to fully disclose them. We shall not take part in any business activities of NEG where we may be influenced by our personal relations that are, or may be, construed as a hindrance to objective decision taking. If we see ourselves in a potential conflict of interest, we shall seek advice from line management or from our legal counsel so that an appropriate solution can be found.

Records and Accounting

All business transactions are recorded in a true, air and timely fashion. In accordance with established procedures, appropriate accounting systems, controls and audits, we ensure the reliability and accuracy of our accounts, records and reports.


Each of us is responsible to know the relevant laws and regulations including this Code of Conduct.
In all business situations where the requirements of the law or this Code of Conduct appear incomplete or unclear, each of us shall use good judgment and common sense, and if needed, seek advice from line management or our legal counsel.
All of us are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct in both the letter and the spirit. Violations against this Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. Non-compliance may be subject to disciplinary sanctions including termination of employment.

NEG Whistleblower Act

A whistleblower discloses information he or she reasonably believes evidences:

  • A violation of the NEG code of conduct
  • Gross mismanagement or waste of funds
  • An abuse of authority

To make a disclosure, please use the form below. You may opt to send this message anonymously or to supply your contact information. Your identity will not be disclosed without your consent


Jone Birger JacobsenChairman Beate BentzenVice Chairman

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